
霍尔果斯太合数娱文化发展有限公司 Horgos Taihe Entertainment Co.,Ltd


For the past 20 years, Taihe Film has continuously developed original Chinese-language films in collaborating with China’s top directors, as well as nurtured some of China’s brightestnew talents. From acclaimed ‘Fifth Generation’ directors such as Feng Xiaogang and Jiang Wen, to middle generation directors such as Lu Chuan and Wu Ershan, to China’s most sought-after young directors such as Du Jiayi, Li Fangfang, Xin Yukun and Bi Gan, many of their iconic works were produced and distributed by Taihe.

Nowadays, Taihe develops 5~7 original films each year and is dedicated to continuously deliver works with artistic quality and commercial value. 

太合电影基金 Taihe Film Capital

太合电影基金于2013、2016年发起募集两期电影基金,管理规模近10亿元,是中国第一支与银行共同发起的专业电影基金。 基金具有清晰的投资策略与严谨的风险控制体系,持续开展与国内外一流电影机构的合作,目标成为中国最具信赖和投资价值的专业电影投资基金。

1st phase founded in 2013, 2nd phase started in 2016, Taihe Film Capital has overall managed near 1 billion RMB. It is the first professional film investment fund in China co-established with commercial bank.By cooperating with the world’s top film institutions, Taihe Film Capital has made clear investment strategies and thorough risk control system, aiming to become China’s most investment-worthy professional film investment fund. 

北京合瑞影业文化有限公司 Beijing Hero Film Co.,Ltd


北京华夏满天星城市售票网络技术有限公司 CMTS Ticketing systrms Holdings Limited

作为持有七张牌照之一的售票系统公司, 满天星是国内首家且服务影院数量最多的票务系统公司。作为唯一的数据接口和系统提供商,满天星目前服务影院数量超过2800家,覆盖会员数量规模超过八千万。

As China’s 1st ticketing system company which possesses 1 of the 7 Licenses, CMTS has covered the most cinema clients in China.

As one and the only data interface and system provider, CMTS provides services for 2800+ cinemas, boasting 80 million+ memberships. 

影核(北京)网络科技有限公司 Ingcore Technology (Beijing) Co.,Ltd


Ingcore Technology is positioned to be the expert of establishing cinema-owned electronic business and membership management system and provide advanced products.

Ingcore Technology also integrates marketing resources to cinema management process, inorder to change all cinemas’ income structureand increase their profits. 

北京冠宇影院管理股份有限公司 Beijing Guanyu Cineplex Management Co.,Ltd



GuanYu is the first light-asset cinema management company in China. It offers integrated solutions and advisory services on theatre development, investment and management to cinema investors.

It offers investment and management consultancy services to cinemas not yet opened (including but not limited to project evaluation, budgeting, designing, bidding, equipment selecting, and opening ceremony arrangements), as well as management services to cinemas currently in operation. 

五月综合丁香,日韩欧美国产精品亚洲二区,国产福利一区二区久久,色婷婷亚洲婷婷七月中文字幕,四虎国产永久在线精品免费观看,中文字幕在线视频网站,午夜精品福利在线导航小视频 桓仁| 江永县| 乌兰察布市| 晋宁县| 读书| 常山县| 华坪县| 开原市| 县级市| 永平县| 满洲里市| 赣榆县| 霍州市| 龙里县| 太谷县| 甘肃省| 晋州市| 垫江县| 永川市| 长海县| 紫金县| 泰安市| 南京市| 新宁县| 文化| 博野县| 汉中市| 中超| 邢台市| 白沙| 韶关市| 百色市| 衡南县| 彭州市| 三明市| 启东市| 汝阳县| 交口县| 贵州省| 宁强县| 崇左市| http://444 http://444 http://444